My seminar course "Security of LLMs" will be opened at both Heilbronn and Garching (Munich) campuses since the summer semester this year with the codes INHN0015/INHN4012 and IN0014, respectively. All TUM students are welcome to enrol and contribute.
Our paper on investigating ChatGPT app security is accepted by the ACM Web Conf (WWW) 2025.
I am honoured to be invited to give a guest lecture about software security for the course "Advanced Topics on Software Engineering (CITHN3003)" at TUM.
I am going to join the Technical University of Munich (TUM) as a Research Fellow under the chair of software engineering & AI in Oct 2024. I will lead a new course for undergraduate titled "Security of LLMs" at TUM Heilbronn campus.
Our work on assessing security of ChatGPT apps has received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2.5% of all submission) in ASE 2024.
Two papers (1 on LLM ecosystem security and 1 on software engineering for LLMs) have been accpeted by ASE 2024.
I am pleased to give a talk about neural network pruning and its applications for federated learning in monthly meething of the cybersecurity group at Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR.
Our work on studying the documented privacy changes of Android OS is accepted by FSE 2024.
I am serving the CIKM 2024 PC member. Please submit your good works!
I have one co-authored paper on studying privacy compliance of Google Workspace apps accepted by the ICECCS 2024.
I have one co-authored paper on privacy-preserving federated learning (FL) accepted by the ACM Web Conf (WWW) 2024.
I am lucky to be 1 out of 53 enrolled PhD students to be awarded the Dean’s Graduate Research Achievement Award for the academic year 2022-2023.
I am going to join the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR as a Research Scientist in cybersecurity department in Jan 2024.
Our work on studying the privacy-related consistency of Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) apps is accepted by ICSE 2024.
I am serving the AAAI 2024 (SRRAI-Track) as a PC member. Please submit your good works!
Our work on studying the quality of privacy policies of Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) apps is accepted by PETS 2024.
Our work on Formalizing Robustness against Character-level Perturbations for LLM is accepted by ICFEM 2023.
Our extension work of NSS paper on detecting contradictions from IoT protocol specification documents is accepted by Elsevier ISA Transactions.
I am honoured to be invited by the data and mobile security team of MyBank (affiliatefd with Ant Group) to give a talk about our latest research on Android security and privacy.
Our paper on supervised data-free neural network pruning is accepted by ICECCS 2023.
Our paper on Byzantine-resilient federated learning is accepted by PAKDD 2023.
I am luck to be 1 out of 17 student presenters to be awarded the student award for NDSS 2023.
I am awarded the Honor List of Student Tutors at NUS School of Computing for the academic year 2021-2022.
I am luck to be 1 out of 10 Computer Science PhD students to be awarded the NUS School of Computing Teaching Fellowship for the year 2023.
Our paper on Android permanent device ID protection is accepted by NDSS 2023.
I am on visit to the University of Queensland and will work at the UQ TrustLab for 12 months.
I am lucky to be 1 out of 32 enrolled PhD students to be awarded the Dean’s Graduate Research Achievement Award for the academic year 2021-2022.
Our survey paper on studying robustness verification of deep neural networks is accepted by IEEE TDSC.