Selected Research Projects

U2-I2: UUI Investigator for Android Smartphones

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An one-stop solution to explore user-unresettable identifiers (UUIs) leakage on your Android smartphone. This work is a collaboration with the UQ Trust Lab and ByteDance Security Lab.

Trustworthy AI & Paoding-DL: an Open-sourced Python Package for Robustness Preserving Pre-trained ML Model Optimization

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A survey on adversarial robustness of deep neural network and several research studies on robustness-preserving neural network model optimization for both conventional centralized learning and multi-party federated learning.

A Formal Approach towards Trustworthy LLMs against Character-Level Purterbations

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An exploration research to formally define the metrics of character-level perturbations that may impact the performance of mainstream large language models (LLMs), and an empirical study of the character-level robustness of LLMs. A tool named PdD is proposed and open-sourced by us. This work is a collaboration with the University of Queensland.

EagleEye: Forensic Analysis for Android Devices and Apps, Exploitation Study, and Priviledge Escalation

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A survey on Android exploits and research on Android APK transformation solution covering 8 different obfuscation techniques. This work is under the parent project Cybernite at I2R, A*STAR Singapore.